DJs eating well! and old issues resolving with Keto!

following an accurate diet plan program is important to not only deliver the proper nutrition but it also lessens the burden on the pet owner and takes a lot of uncertainty out of the situation!

His fur is super soft. He loves the food! And he looks good. He’s always been the dog even on the raw food diet where he had the eye tear duct marks, his eyes are clearer and the stains under his eyes are going away. The meal plan was the best investment because it took so much worry and challenge out of my getting him into ketosis. I would have sworn by his raw food diet that it wouldn’t have been an issue at all. And the weight lifted off my shoulders knowing I have a coach and someone who gets all this to reach out to and instantly get response is awesome. I can’t thank you enough!

Patty & DJ

Patty had started a Raw keto diet for DJ for several reasons. Unfortunately, DJ was diagnosed with a brain tumor at UC Davis and DJ was also suffering from seizures, presumably from said tumor.

” I feel I need to know more, I’m not comfortable with just the
three ingredients” Patty

Patty also started the KetoPoweredK9 meal plan service after some well-founded concerns she had of a very basic 3 ingredient Ketogenic recipe she stumbled upon online. I’ve gone through great detail to outline the nutritional shortcomings of these very basic free keto recipes handed out online, more info on that HERE

****Interested in Ketogenic diets for your dog? For More information on the personalized Ketogenic Meal Plan program and how to get your dog **properly **started on these diets, please click on the image below! ***

Watch Coopers Success with Keto to manage his epilepsy: 


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